October 23, 2009, Newsletter Issue #286: Scorpio - The Sign of the Scorpion

Tip of the Week

Scorpios, born October 23-November 21, are very serious learners. They tend to be very black and white people, concerned with beginnings and endings, and unafraid of both. They are very curious, making them adept investigators.

Represented by the scorpion, Scorpios have the same kinds of regenerative powers their symbol does; they can bounce back and reinvent themselves very well, much like a scorpion can regrow its own tail. They are passionate and focused, making them good executives. They work hard so they can eventually be satisfied with the fruits of their labor.

Scorpios can be very secretive, and very complex, making them not overly forthcoming with answers about themselves. They are very resourceful as well.

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